Signet Bank Team Cup at the World Athletics Road Running Championships
As part of the World Athletics Road Running Championships in Riga, where running enthusiasts will share the course with the world’s top athletes, the Signet Bank Team Cup will bring together the most active and athletic corporate teams from Latvia. The winners will be determined based on individual performances from teams with at least ten registered participants. Participants can compete in four mass-start distances: 21 km, 21 km relay (10.2 km + 10.9 km), 5 km, and the mile (1,609 m). All races will take place on October 1. The Signet Bank Team Cup aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among corporate employees, foster team spirit and loyalty, and provide companies with a unique platform to showcase themselves in a world-class community sports event.
Teams with at least ten participants automatically qualify for the Signet Bank Team Cup on October 1. For reference, this year’s Rimi Riga Marathon Team Cup attracted 227 teams with at least 15 participants, and organizers expect similar enthusiasm from leading Latvian companies for this autumn event. So far, companies from industries such as transportation, technology, e-commerce, manufacturing, telecommunications, education, trade, construction, and pharmaceuticals have qualified, with the financial and banking sectors showing the highest level of participation. The full list of qualifying companies will be announced in late August or early September.
We hope the spirit of healthy competition among Latvian companies inspires everyone to stay active. Companies supporting their employees’ preparation for and participation in world-class athletics and community sports events will undoubtedly benefit in many ways,
said Aigars Nords, head of the organizing team for the World Athletics Road Running Championships.
We are proud to contribute to strengthening corporate teams through the Signet Bank Team Cup, part of the most significant athletics event in Baltic history—the first-ever World Athletics Road Running Championships. True to our motto, ‘Acceleration for the Ambitious,’ we hope the Team Cup will provide Latvia’s most active companies with both moral and symbolic momentum,
added Ineta Done, Senior Vice President of Signet Bank.
Winner Selection Criteria
The Signet Bank Team Cup will recognize the top 10 teams in three categories: small teams (10–29 participants), medium teams (30–49 participants), and large teams (50+ participants). Additionally, organizers will identify the most active companies in various industries, such as retail, finance, manufacturing, and tourism.
Winners will be determined by the aggregated performances of their team members in their respective age groups. For small teams, the top 10 individual placements will be summed; for medium teams, the top 30; and for large teams, the top 50. This scoring system ensures equal consideration for participants across all distances, from the mile to the 21 km relay and full 21 km race.
The winning teams will be honored within two weeks after the conclusion of the World Championships in Riga.
Registration for the Signet Bank Team Cup
There is no separate registration for the Signet Bank Team Cup. Companies need to register each participant in their preferred distance under a single team name. Participants can sign up for the mass-start distances (21 km, 21 km relay, 5 km, and mile) via the event’s official website, Registration by August 15 offers reduced fees and ensures personalized bib numbers with participants’ names.
The organizers remind that world champions will be crowned in Riga in the mile, 5 km, and half marathon distances. However, anyone, from avid runners to casual joggers and “Sunday runners,” is invited to take part in the World Championships for the first time, earning unique medals by challenging themselves in any official distance, including the 21 km relay. Registration is open on the official website,