Mastercard World Elite Travel and Purchase Insurance

Taking care of the peace of mind of clients when traveling or shopping, we have included an insurance policy with an extended range of insured travel risks in Signet Bank Mastercard World Elite card benefits. If you travel with your family, insurance protection is also valid for your family members.

Basic Terms of Mastercard World Elite Travel and Purchase Insurance

Insurance protection is in effect as long as the client holds a valid Mastercard World Elite credit card.

A family member is the spouse or cohabiting partner of the holder of the Mastercard World Elite credit card issued by Signet Bank, if he/she has a shared bank account or a common child (children) under the age of 20.

Insurance protection is in effect worldwide, except for  the domicile of the client or his/her family members.

Insurance protection is in effect when the client is outside his/her domicile for a period not longer than 90 consecutive days during each separate travel.

Insurance protection is in effect with respect to clients up to 85 years of age. Clients over the age of 85 are not insured.

Insurance coverage is valid in case of an insured event during active sports activities, including skiing, snowboarding, surfing, sailing, golf, hockey, football and other sports.

Insurance coverage includes compensation for direct damage caused by a terrorist act. Insurance against terrorism risks for Mastercard World Elite credit card holders and their family members is valid worldwide

Insurance protection to include expenses for the rental vehicle deductible, which is retained by the short-term vehicle rental/rental company for a vehicle that has suffered sudden and unexpected physical damage during the Trip.

Every purchase made with a Mastercard World Elite card in any country of the world is insured. The insurance policy covers losses that may occur within 180 days from the date of making or receiving the purchase.

Risks Covered by Travel and Purchase Insurance

Medical Expense Insurance

Medical expenses


EUR 300,000

Expenses for transportation to a medical institution where emergency care is provided

EUR 300,000

Outpatient treatment

EUR 300,000

Inpatient treatment

EUR 300,000

Dental care

EUR 500

Prescription medications, if they are purchased with a prescription issued by the attending physician

EUR 500

Over-the-counter medicines

EUR 100

Pregnancy care up to the 28th week of pregnancy

EUR 300

Repatriation and burial expenses

EUR 300,000

Telephone expenses due to a medical risk

EUR 200

Travel extension costs, if the client cannot return to the client’s country of residence in case of a medical risk

EUR 3,000

Expenses of a relative if the client is unable to return from the trip at the scheduled time and must spend at least ten days in the hospital due to an accident or illness

EUR 1,000

Child transportation expenses if the client is unable to return from the trip at the scheduled time due to an accident or illness

EUR 300,000

Crutches and wheelchair expenses, including orthoses

EUR 300

Accident Insurance

Death and disability insurance


EUR 30,000

Civil Liability Insurance During Travel

If, due to the actions or inaction of the client, bodily injuries were caused to a third party or property belonging to a third party was damaged


EUR 50,000

Luggage and Personal Belongings Insurance

Baggage delay for more than 2 hours

Expenses for the purchase of essentials are indemnified


EUR 500

Theft, damage, destruction of luggage

EUR 1,500

Theft, robbery or loss of a passport, ID card, driver’s licence or vehicle registration certificate

EUR 500

Theft of luggage while it has been at the client’s disposal

EUR 500

Damage to ski equipment in an accident

EUR 500

Trip Cancellation, Interruption and Delay Insurance

Trip cancellation

The following expenses are reimbursed:

  • for a prepaid trip, which are not reimbursed by third parties if the client is not going on a trip;
  • due to unexpected, serious injury or unexpected, acute illness of a client, a client’s relative or a fellow traveler;
  • due to the death of a relative or other fellow traveler;
  • if the client’s travel documents have been stolen before the start date of the trip and cannot be restored within the required time limit;
  • if damage has been caused to movable or immovable property belonging to the client (the amount of damage exceeding EUR 5,000; the presence of the client is absolutely necessary in order to prevent damage or due to the initiated investigation).


EUR 1,000

Trip interruption

Exchange of travel tickets or purchase of new tickets (including transfer to the airport to return the client to the home country in economy class) if the initiated trip is interrupted due to:

  • illness, serious injury or death of the client’s relatives or other fellow travelers during the trip;
  • theft or robbery of the client’s travel documents during the trip, if their recovery within the required period of time is impossible and the trip cannot be continued because of this;
  • damage caused to movable or immovable property belonging to the client (the amount of damage exceeding EUR 1,000; the presence of the client is absolutely necessary in order to prevent damage or due to the initiated investigation).

EUR 1,000

Trip delay

  • If public transport is delayed due to bad weather, natural disasters, road accidents, technical failure of the vehicle;
  • If the vehicle used by the client has been involved in a traffic accident or due to a technical defect of the vehicle, which did not exist or about the existence of which the client could not know before the trip, as well as due to natural disasters.

EUR 1,000

Delayed connecting transport

Exchange of travel tickets or purchase of new tickets in economy class and the cost of accommodation in  the interim period of the trip

EUR 750

Description of Purchase Insurance Risks

Insurance coverage is valid for the following risks:

  • Theft or robbery if the insured event has occurred within 180 days from the date of purchase/delivery of the commodity;
  • Theft or robbery when the commodity has been in the luggage compartment of the client’s vehicle;
  • Impossibility to use or apply the commodity in case of discovering a defect covered by the warranty, and the insured event has occurred within 180 days from the date of purchase or delivery of the commodity.


EUR 40,000

Limit per insured event

EUR 2,000

What to do if an insured event has occurred?

Read the full terms and conditions of Mastercard World Elite Travel and Purchase Insurance.

If an insured event has occurred, contact Balcia Insurance SE using the 24-hour help desk +371 20682222.

If you are in Turkey, Egypt, Greece or Bulgaria and need medical help, please be sure to contact Balcia Insurance SE by calling the 24-hour help desk +371 20682222.

Signet Bank payment card insurance is provided by Balcia Insurance SE